An Analysis of Students’ Error in
Using Pronoun in Simple Sentence at Eleventh Grade of SMA Kartikatama
Metro Odd Semester 2013/2014. Teacher Training and Education Faculty
English Education Study Program Muhammadiyah University of Metro 2013.
Advisor: (1) Prof. Dr. H. Marzuki Noor, M.S. (2) Dedy Subandowo, M.A.
Key Word: Error, Pronoun, Simple Sentence
The objective of this research are to know the types of students’ error
in using pronoun in simple sentence, the most occurrence errors done by
the students in using pronoun in simple sentence and the factors of
students’ error in using pronoun in simple sentence. Subject of the
research were the students at the eleventh grade of SMA Kartikatama
The object of the research: the students’ error in using pronoun in
simple sentence. The subject of the research: The students at the
eleventh grade of SMA Kartikatama Metro. The sampling technique used in
this research was purposive sampling. To check validity and reliability
of the result the researcher test (used primer data) and triangulation
such as gave questioner sheet to the students and interview the teacher.
Therefore, the researcher analyze the data with marking, noting,
classifying, identifying, and analyzing the data.
The result of the research, First the types of the students’ error in
using pronoun in simple sentence are happened at some of possesive
pronoun. Second, the total is 79 errors (23%) for possessive pronoun. It
means the most occurrence error done by the students in using pronoun
in simple sentence from test possessive pronoun. Third, the kind of
factor error come from internal ans external factor.
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