Wandira, Septiana. 2014. An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Writing Spoof Text at the Students’ of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Sidomulyo Academic Year 2013/2014. An Undergraduate Thesis. English Education Study Program Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Metro. Advisors: (1). Prof. Dr. H. Juhri .AM., M.Pd. (2). Dedi Turmudi S.Pd.,M.A TESOL
Key word: Analysis, Grammatical Error, Writing Spoof Text.
An analysis of eleventh level students’ grammatical errors in writing spoof text are students still have problems and difficulties about grammar especially in using past tense correctly and appropriately in real situation. The objective of the research is to describe what types grammatical error in spoof text, to describe what the students face difficulty in making spoof text, This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The population of this research is the students at the eleventh grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Sidomulyo in 2013/2014 that consist of 119 students. The sample is 10 students. In taking sample, the researcher uses the snowballing sampling. In collecting the data the researcher uses observation and interview. And in analyzing the data, the researcher uses reduction the data,categorization of the data and report reserach the result. The data was collected by using first observation to get the data about grammatical errors made by the students and the second by interview to get information about students’ difficulties in writing spoof text.
The students get unsatisfactory in making twist part, and the other is organization of the text; the students still not fluent, no organization and the confusing ideas or disconnection. And then language uses: frequent error of negation, and tense or the grammatically is wrong. The students get satisfactory in making orientation. The students have low vocabulary mastery, the writer can be conclude it because, the students are still difficulty to translate from Indonesia into English, The students in the XI grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Sidomulyo are active students.
The students still made error in their writing spoof text because the student still difficulties to combine between writing skill and grammar when they learn English writing skills, the students still have difficulty in answering every aspect, it was due to lack of vocabulary, besides that, in preparing the students are still many mistakes in sentence especially in grammar. Understanding the students are still lacking in some aspects. level concentration students are low.
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